Monday, January 5, 2009

Take the day off, it's Inauguration Day!

It seems that in these days, Americans aren't given enough time or reason to exercise their nationalism.
According to, 'we the people' are given three holidays that are specifically affiliated with our nation.
1. President's Day- A legacy to honor past presidents.
2. Independence Day- Celebrating the date of July 4, 1776, when the Declaration of Independence was signed.
3. Veterans Day- A day to honor and celebrate American veterans. I include this day because of the significant importance of veterans and serving soldiers who sacrifice their lives to insure the former listed are protected.

Three holidays. Four days off in total.
Thats out of 365 days in a year.
Pretty sad right?

I enjoy the three holidays we are given, in fact, I can't remember the last time I woke up on presidents day and saw children and adults alike running through the streets dressed up like Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, and Richard Nixon.
Seriously, I can't remember.

Which brings me to my point.

Shouldn't Americans be given a holiday that celebrates a relevant accomplishment?
One that every American today could relate too?
Maybe... one that celebrates universal suffrage?

Heres a proposition.

Inauguration day.
Inauguration Day is a day our President is sworn into office to head our state, and government.
Its a day that celebrates our representative democracy, and demonstrates the success of our free and fair elections. Its a day that symbolizes the rights of Americans to speak out, demonstrate, and advocate for their candidate; whether or not their candidate was successful.

So heres my question.
Why shouldn't we be given Inauguration Day as a national holiday?

Let me know your thoughts, and lend me some comments.


1 comment:

  1. OMG that's such a good idea! I'm not a big fan of adding on holidays, but seriously, I've always thought president's day was such a moronic holiday. I think inaguration day would be waay better!

    You should spread this idea around on newsvine and likewise.

    I miss this blog...
