Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Proposition Hate

Proposition 8.
A proposition to preserve traditional marriages; and to outlaw same-sex marriage.
What the hell?

Plain and simple.
NO ONE has the right to regulate or oppress another humans individual freedoms.
A marriage consists of two humans, not two humans with the support of the population of California.
I hate the fact that individual citizens feel that they have an obligation to defend "traditional marriages."
What are you defending? And for whom?
It is not going to oppress your right to get married. It is only granting a larger population to share the idea behind marriage, Love.
Stop believing that you have some part in denying another humans right.
Because you absolutely don't.
I advocate that we all vote NO on proposition 8.

Monday, October 6, 2008

All the world's a stage, And we the people merely players

There is a disconnect between public opinion and American policy.
Public opinion is useless and weightless.
Actions and words are of equal unimportance.
Demonstrations have given the average citizen the ability to participate with a single honk from the car,
Protests are immediately contained with tear-gas, rubber bullets, and batons,
And both are heavily criticized by the immobile population, who sit watching hand selected stories from the news.
That population too, is useless and weightless.

American policy serves a higher purpose than the people.
It is fueled not by the people, but of the greenbacks.
I believe everyone is aware of this.
There is a "separation" between Church and State, but a marriage between Corporation and State.
A Godfather relationship where favors are exchanged in forms of lobbyist-composed bills and campaign contributions,
And where the average American taxpayer is responsible for a failing economy and Country.

But who said everything is so negative?
Americans live in one of the greatest Democracies in the world.
We are given the option to vote for either a Republican or Democrat.
We are allowed to petition and question our government.
And we have a free-market system.
But should I go further?
Probably not.
Because all of these options have obviously left us nowhere.

If you've ever played any of "The Sims" games, you'll know how I feel when I say that I don't feel free anymore.
I feel that our "democratic-republic" leaves us with no option but to shut up and choose between black and white (and to stick with either even if we are in disagreement).
That Lady Liberty has no ear nor eye to the American, but an ignorant view in the interest of the privileged.
And that we are left responsible for problems and programs we never advocated for.

Whether change comes in reform or revolution, or maybe even a political messiah shined from the democratic-republic of outer-space.
I encourage it.

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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Bailout Bill Vote: Senate passes Financial Markets Bill in a 74-25 Victory

Tonight the Senate passed the Financial Markets bill in an easy victory of 74-25

This bill:
1. Immediately give the Secretary of Treasury the authority and facilities to restore liquidity and stability to the U.S financial system.
2. Ensure that such authority and facilities are used specifically to:
A. Protect home values, college funds, retirement accounts, and life savings;
B. Preserve homeownership and promote jobs and economic growth;
C. Maximize returns to taxpayers like me and you.
D. Provide public accountability for the exercise of such authority.

Both Presidential Candidates Sen. McCain and Sen. Obama, along with Vice Presidential nominee Sen. Biden voted YES on this bill.

More to come...
May the house stay steadfast on their position.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Pulling the plug on Wall Street

What a couple weeks its been for money!
I can't believe how much money has been lost on Wall Street, and how much money has been spent trying to collect those scraps back together.
Right now, everyone is paying close attention to the proposed 700 billion dollar bailout- and just today the House of Representatives thankfully rejected this bill.
Thankfully- yes, thats the word I ought to use.
And heres why.
In just the last 2 weeks, The U.S Treasury and Federal Reserve (prior to this 700 billion dollar deal), has already spent and loaned around 505 BILLION dollars in order to "invigorate" and "repair" Wall Street.
And look where we still are now.
With government regulation on the rise, the economy is still failing, and still members of the U.S government are desperately demanding the House Of Representatives to reconsider their "no" answers voted today.
Listen, I feel for the shareholders, employees, and retirement investments that have been lost with this financial crisis. But when members of my family lost their job to this failing economy, their was no bill pressed to rescue their mediocre pay salaries. (It was more like, so what if you've been with us for 14 years, tough luck.)
Furthermore, to help you better understand who were bailing out- look at Washington Mutuals Alan Fishman; who served on the job for only 18 days.

"As should be no surprise, he signed a juicy contract: a $7.5 million signing bonus and a lump-sum payment for severance that comes to $6.15 million. In other words, if he leaves the company, he'll walk away with $13.65 million.

That's a pretty good deal in light of the fact that WaMu is the biggest bank collapse ever."

So next time you believe the economy needs a 700 bill... wait- a 1.2 TRILLION dollar bailout with your hard earned tax money, try and think of poor Alan Fishman- who sadly leaves with a mere 13.65 million dollars.

I'm furious, and all I have to say is that if this bill passes in the next couple days, I'm switching to Monopoly money.

sources: "WaMu CEO Could Bag $13 Million After 18 Days on the Job", www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2008/9/27/113854/014/847/612422

Friday, September 12, 2008

Damon on Palin

I think this guys got a point.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Ron Paul: Third Party Candidate?

As much as I'd love to see this happen, I can only imagine Dr. Paul dragging votes away from the Democratic ticket. I was an avid supporter of Dr. Paul during his presidential bid, and donated any little bit I could afford to shell, but this birth could be the death of Obama & Biden. Well see tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

What Sarah Palin and Al Qaeda Have In Common

They are both training for their jobs in some secluded area!
Since McCain announced his V.P choice, Sarah Palin has been turned into a demigod for the media. Whether on the front page of Us Magazine, on C.N.N every 10 minutes, or in your local papers everyday, Ms. Palin has infiltrated every source of media on earth.
But heres the kicker...

Shes managed to accomplish all of this by doing absolutely NOTHING!
The last real statements she has made, aside from a quick plane interview, was her Vice Presidential acceptance speech at the R.N.C.

Doesn't this say something about the Alaskan Governor's role in the campaign?

Are we really willing to sit around and wait, listen to EVERYBODY but her, and conclude that, "Hey, Sarah Palin SOUNDS ready, LOOKS like she knows what shes doing, and from what I've read from John Smith via The Make Belief Paper, is a great Vice Presidential candidate for John McCain."

No way. Not me. Nor should anybody.

It may sound harsh, but heres the simple fact: The media needs to stop obsessing over Sarah Palin until she is able to start speaking for herself. It's time for Sarah Palin to come out of "Media Etiquette 101," and start representing herself for what other columnists, analysts, and talk show hosts have been assuming for the last weeks.

It's bothersome.
Come out of your cave and jump on the campaign trail.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Republican National Convention Day One - Sponsored by the AARP?

So I've been watching the R.N.C for the last few hours, and let me tell you.
I now know how it feels when I forced my X girlfriend to watch the Lord Of The Rings trilogy.
Pretty boring stuff right? (Do not be mistaken, I love the L.O.T.R trilogy)
What is the average age of this convention anyways? 65?
As of now, I haven't been impressed by the PLATFORM of this convention. I'm not denouncing John McCain as a candidate because of this, but it has not stirred any sense of excitement or interest in my eyes.

Now Joe Lieberman is up, and he looks like a sheep within a room full of wolves.
Doesn't it boggle your mind when you see present and past Senators like Lieberman and Thompson promising change, when they themselves were elected for that same reason?
Is the President really a king who serves as supreme ruler of the land?
Not in my eyes.

Elected politicians, whether in small or large offices, need to stop addressing their dreams and aspirations through their chosen party candidates and start making change NOW.
Everybody can get excited when the future sounds so optimistic, but in every future promised to us, that optimism vanishes leaving us vulnerable and once again looking for a new hope.
That cycles gotta stop now.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Barack's American Promise: Can We Have The Cake And Eat It Too?

By Alex Shahparnia | Ashahparnia@gmail.com

August 28, 2008

-DENVER- Barack Obama marched in front of the screens which projected his past, and stood firmly towards an audience that not only awaited, but anticipated his future.

In a lengthy and assertive speech, the democratic presidential nominee stood before thousands of attendees and delivered what I would assume to be his "American Promise."

But "What is that promise?"

Well for starters, lets define Barack's "American Promise" as his aspirations and visions for America if an Obama presidency was to occur. But is Obama's "American Promise" too ideal for America? Can he really persuade the American public that we may have both the icing and the cake?

Don't get me wrong, it was a beautiful speech. I got the goosebumps about 100 times. It promised less governmental interference, individual liberty, job growth, energy independence in 10 years, stronger education, senate like health care for uninsured Americans, new tax codes in favor of the working class, aggressive but diplomatic foreign policies, national unity...(running out of breath? maybe your catching my drift by now).

Granted I am an optimistic person, this "Promise" is overflowing my cup of tea. After the entire speech, I had a hard time digesting all of these dreams and aspirations.
Is this Change or is this Revolution? More and more I'm finding it harder to find an answer to this question.

Let me know what you think. Can Obama put on his cape and really accomplish his "American Promise?"

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi? Why Clinton supporters must compromise

By Alex Shahparnia | Ashahparnia@gmail.com
August 27, 2008

DENVER- "Whether you voted for me, or you voted for Barack, the time is now to unite as a single party with a single purpose,"..."We are on the same team, and none of us can afford to sit on the sidelines. This is a fight for the future. And it's a fight we must win together." - Hillary Clinton

Unity. Party Unity. Two words Democrats have been struggling to incorporate within their agenda for the presidential duel. Last night at the D.N.C, Hillary Clinton walked upon the stage with what would hopefully correct this mishap.

But halfway through Hillary's speech I became puzzled.
Why was her thesis about unity in the first place? Weren't conventions already a tool to gather people who share a common interest?

Ah... it was because a portion of Clinton supporters still found it difficult to support the presumptive presidential candidate, Barack Obama.

Now in order to gather my thoughts about this issue, I had to imagine how it would feel to be one of the steadfast Clinton supporters. Heres my simple vision.

Diet Coke or Diet Pepsi?

I walk into a restaurant that serves Chinese food, simply because its my favorite food. When I am greeted by the waiter, I request my beverage: a Diet Coke.
"I'm sorry sir, but we carry Diet Pepsi, is that alright with you?"
Now heres where I am faced with two obvious decisions.
1. I can compromise and accept that Diet Pepsi is the closest beverage to Diet Coke. After all I need to watch my sugar.
2. I can grow stubborn and decide to order a Root Beer, filled with sugar and undeniably further from my interest of watching my glucose levels.

Being such a devoted fan of Diet Coke, I decide that Diet Pepsi is not the soda I wanted and opt to drink a Root Beer instead.
Make much sense? Not to me.

Clinton supporters, I know it is difficult to be deprived of your presidential hopeful, but is it so difficult to compromise with what option you have left? Is John McCain, a republican, so much closer to Clinton's platform than Barack Obama?

If Democrats are looking to win their bid for the White House, I think it is about time they throw these petty differences away and COMPROMISE. If Clinton supporters cannot throw their support and vote behind Barack Obama, I purely believe any resentment is truly personal and selfish. Your primary support should be to the party you are so passionate about, because it is this certain party that you believe will protect and govern the American population correctly and fairly.

Compromise. It may be different, but it is not difficult.